A Clinic That Goes Beyond Health

Experience what true transformation feels like with premium services that work to eliminate pain and facilitate growth

Unleash the power of changing your reality
Tap into your fullest potential
About the Excellence Behind

Not Your Everyday Clinic

The modern lifestyle has come with modern challenges. Challenges to your health, challenges to your wellbeing, challenges to your happiness. At times, simply writing out lengthy prescriptions only suppress underlying issues.

At the Body Cliinic, we implement a wide range of healing and counseling services that are tailor-made for your issues and your personality. A holistic approach that not only helps you improve your health but allows you to reach into untapped potential and transform your career, finances, and relationships.

A Revolutionary Approach

Dr. Rachna Sharma

14 years ago, when Dr. Rachna Sharma set out in her pursuit to find the ultimate solution to offer people physical and emotional healing along with enabling growth and success she noticed that current solutions revolved around tackling major life issues head-on. This was rarely working as it would try to resolve issues without addressing underlying problems.

Her observation led to the most powerful system that is now known to the world as “Kkreyations”. This system works with the understanding that change is first created at a molecular level. These slight changes at the root level eventually translate into quantum jumps leading you to a life of health, contentment, and success.

Services Behind

Transformative Healings

No matter what ails you, at the Body Cliinic our unmatched diagnosis and treatment options will make you feel truly rejuvenated


Suffering from anxiety, worrisome thoughts, or just wanting to conquer your fears? The Body Cliinic’s anxiety treatment will help you:

  • Learn how to relax
  • Look at situations in a manner that eliminates fear
  • Uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears
  • Develop improved coping and problem-solving skills


Normal levels of stress are part of everyday life. But ineffective stress management can soon leave you paralyzed. At The Body Cliinic we help you manage stress by teaching you:

  • Coping mechanisms
  • Self-care activities
  • How to let out your emotions in a healthy manner
  • How to identify and tackle the major stressors in your life

Psychosomatic treatment is based on the mind-body connection.

  • Through our services we identify the factors that have shaped your personality and assist you in physical and emotional healing by concentrating on how the mind and body work together.
  • Our sessions will help you:
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Pursue long-term goals
  • Find satisfaction in your work
  • Improve relationships
  • Manage negative emotions


There is nothing worse than being unable to sleep after a tiring day.
The inability to get a good night sleep can have consequences the following day and
affect every single area of your life.

We treat insomnia by helping you:

  • Have a bedtime routine that helps you fall asleep
  • Learn relaxation techniques
  • Change lifestyle habits that are affecting your sleep
  • Tackle the thoughts that are preventing you from falling asleep

Trauma (Abuse, PTSD, etc.)

From life-threatening events to serious injuries to abuse. Almost 50% of people suffer from some kind of trauma in life.

  • This can haunt you and keep you tied up in the past, preventing you from moving forward in life.
  • We help you face your fears and address the traumatic event. Learn how to process your feelings and emotions in a safe space.

We use ancient pre-natal services coupled with the latest research that helps:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Decrease symptoms of depression
  • Relieve muscle aches
  • Alleviate joint pain
  • Improve labor outcomes
  • Improve new-born health


Feeling loneliness, sadness, and low energy? Worried that things might never get better?

  • Our depression treatments strive to change that by identifying and eliminating the various factors that contribute to that god- awful feeling.

An Experience Like No Other

The goal of the Body Cliinic from its conception was to offer premium services that will create a life-changing impact. As a result, Dr. Rachna Sharma is not here to offer cut-rate sessions with repeat information trying to sell you a one size fits all solution.

Offering unmatched levels of excellence and perfection demands a lot. As such, Dr. Rachna frequently puts in 18-hour work days and makes massive financial and time investments into mining previously unknown secrets to help her clients.

Now although these services can truly help anyone reach their maximum potential, the nature of the services is such that not everyone can be onboarded.

As a result, Dr. Rachna Sharma handpicks her clients and takes responsibility for their transformation. She offers her companionship on a journey that takes clients from points of despair to living a life that is packed with contentment and success.

Book An Appointment

Slots are booked till 23rd June 2024

If you are looking for an appointment please write to
rachna.sharma@thebodycliinic.com. Even though we are booked in case of rescheduling or cancellation you may have a chance.

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“The distinguishing characteristics of mind are of a subjective sort; we know them only from the contents of our own consciousness!”

Happy customers

Athone Kayl:
Athone Kayl:@Athone_Kayl:
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I have had insomnia for a good 2 years of my life. These years were miserable as this was disturbing my everything of daily life. There used to be days where I was so tired but still I wasn't able to sleep. Life had become really really tough because of it. I used to get up every day with unsatisfactory behavior. People advised me medicines which I started taking for a relief but unfortunately those weren't good for long term use and I had to leave them. My friend suggested me to go for therapy as after leaving medicine I had more exaggerated insomnia which used to be from a single day to many days. I started having depressive episodes which were disturbing my whole life as well. I used to feel so uncomfortable, unsatisfied being a medical student my profession demands me being active and attentive throughout the day which wasn't possible with all this. I finally went for therapy found it very relaxing and calming. I started feeling change in my sleep after a single session. Doctor didn't only help me with insomnia but also with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. After my second session I started feeling so happy, satisfied and well rested when I used to get up in the morning. Therapy was a life changer for me as it has different way of helping. It was not talking at all...but becoming aware of these has changed my life.. I would suggest everyone with insomnia get therapy from Dr.Rachna. and it will stop affecting your daily life.
Adwait P. Suratkar:
Adwait P. Suratkar:
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With Deep Gratitude and Respect, I would like to Rate Body Clinic one of the top 🔝 clinics in Bangalore, and surely in the top 50 in the country. because Dr. Rachna doesn't "maintain" her patients. Simply because you will not be treated as a patient here. From my own experiences, when I went to Dr. Rachna, she solved my problem in the 1st meeting itself, where she empowered me by saying that I wasn't "disabled". . :). There was power and meaning in her words. . That I instantly felt enlightened.Please visit Dr. Rachna only if you really wish to solve your problem, and only if your problem is genuine. .else don't bother wasting her time. . She is a hard Task Master. But go to her with a open mind and don't hold any prejudice.Body clinic has a proper system and their approach is very systematic. .there is proper documentation and a process and every decision is clinical.This review is not a paid review, it's a genuine review and anyone can contact me, anytime on whatever is written, for I stand by it.
Chandana Gurung:
Chandana Gurung:@Chandana_Gurung:
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I have been depressed for like 2-3 years. It was like a nightmare for me.I used to feel like the world is against me,I am not worthy of anything around me. People don’t like me and I will never succeed in my life. I started liking loneliness, I started avoiding people,I started to stay in my room. I tried talking to people but the majority of them weren't ready to listen. I used to get panic attacks ,I used to cry without any obvious reason. Nights were so freaking hard I used to cry the whole night without even knowing what was wrong with me. When someone used to appreciate me or my features I always used to think they were making it up only. I had made myself so sick with all of it. I used to sit on the floor for hours and just stare at the wall. I started avoiding my friends,family and everything. I was unable to concentrate on my studies. My mind didn’t stop in a single place for a second. I took meds but they didn’t help. Then I was referred to Dr.Rachna by my GP. She helped me develop insight about my problem and also overcome my symptoms. Even telling her about my problems feels therapeutic and that is why I don’t want to stop visiting her. I am much more confident than before. Dr.Sharma is more than a therapist. She is a healer!
Agnes Xavier:
Agnes Xavier:@Agnes_Xavier:
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I met Dr.Rachna in the month of February 2019. I barely could understand why my panic attacks which last happened in my 12 th grade happened again.I had lost control on myself.A lot of problems apart from myself were also happening.And this was that phase that my sister , prayerful people in my life or my friends and closest of them all couldn’t understand anything.Which is when I convinced myself to meet her. I remember I had come for a consultation and everything felt so comfortable, I spoke to her like a friend and felt completely at ease. And she owned me up ,took charge of me and her confidence that day is what compelled me to take up sessions with her.I was previously told to go for assessments but Dr. Rachna recognized me as a very self aware person. And mentioned that she could take this forward with her sessions in her own way and assessments weren’t required. As a matter of fact there is no looking back.Session after session there was homework from her end but there were changes in me, my life, and my ability to sort things, and it is an experience that can’t be put better with words. But rest assured , she is your mentor,guide,friend and a colorful being waiting to help you identify and come to terms with your reality. Allow her to. She will let you be. And not just be. BUT BE THE BEST YOU ARE MEANT FOR. Thank you for this tremendous experience. All good wishes, To the team of Body Clinic Spread your light across!
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I had no interest whatsoever in hanging out at social gatherings. I didn’t feel like coming out of my room, I didn’t like more than 3 people in my room. I wouldn’t even talk my friends call. My appetite went down. I quit my job and sat at home. My job made me feel worthless. There was no motive to my life so I felt suicidal. There were many sleepless nights. I would feel tired all the time. I felt there was a big void inside me. No ray of hope, my hobbies, I didn’t feel like pursuing them. With all this going on I really needed help and no one was willing to help me out of it. So I took a step up and decided to go ahead and get some clinical help and that’s how I found out about Dr. Rachna on practo. It looked very convincing so I went it and booked an appointment. The staff was very welcoming and booked me the spot that very day. That give me .5% hope and I went with it. After many sessions with her, I have been feeling much better. It was after few session that I could sleep properly, I was able to focus again and I got rid of random thoughts. The homeworks given were very effecting as they targeting on my brain creativity part and I was back with my hobbies and meeting not all but 1 or 2 close friends on daily basis. With my condition I thought I would never recover, but this decision of consulting Dr. Rachna was the turning point.
Likhitha Chowdary
Likhitha Chowdary@Likhitha_Chowdary
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I'd definitely recommend doctor to anyone who is willing to let go and ready to choose to heal cause for the longest time I didn't understand why I would get depressed for no reason and have panic attacks that seemed like the end of the world to me. I mean Inspite of having an amazing job, super supportive parents and friends I still felt helpless and nihilistic about life. After many years of procrastination I finally decided to consult a doctor and seek advice. But the Psychologist I had consulted before Dr Rachna told me I was overthinking and didn't seem to be interested in my story. So, I was almost convinced that I wouldn't get any better and lost hopes on therapy in general. But I strongly felt like I had to give myself another chance and went on to consult Dr Rachna Sharma. I remember feeling clueless and lost when I first entered the clinic because there was constant mind chatter and repetitive thoughts that drained my energy and I didn't know what to tell the doctor or where to start my story from. Anyone who spends 5 minutes with a doctor would appreciate her for her genuine interest in your story and your well-being and that's what made my journey easier. While I didn't know what my diagnosis was at that time, I remember leaving the clinic with a hope to rebuild the strength I needed in my life. And now, with having worked on myself for the last 20 months or so under doctor's guidance, I have learned and understood that to heal is a choice one makes and I am ever grateful for the Doctor's guidance and Patience towards me. The ease with which the doctor explains to me the science behind why I feel for what I feel leaves me intrigued to work on myself everytime. Her optimism towards life is infectious and I am grateful for the awareness doctor helped me get about myself and the tools she has given to handle my depressive moods or any mood in general. While it's no cake walk I can definitely say I am hopeful in my process of healing and I have never felt more empowered and confident about the choices I am making and the way of life I am choosing. Thank you Doctor and the entire Team at the Body Clinic for helping me take back control of my life.
Verified Patient
Verified Patient@Verified_Patient
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The experience was really good. felt refreshed and a completely different me. couldn't have asked for more in just two sessions. I like her way of therapy. Feels much lighter, brighter from the inside and outside would highly recommend her therapy for people who are looking for shifting their life. It is interesting that the effect of sessions is long lasting and has the ripple effect in every other area of my life. I'm loving my life. Before meeting her had to doubts and fear as I have seen many more therapists but nothing seem to be working. as the last hope thought ill to see her else I had given up on myself and my life. She is awesome
Pooja Mathur
Pooja Mathur@Pooja_Mathur
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I used to be very much stressed earlier but now after meeting Dr. Racha Sharma and after some sessions, I am feeling very much change within myself. I feel more relaxed,calm and peaceful. Started seeing life in a very beautiful way. I was trying to conceive for more than a year and got stressed. I was finding it difficult to have peace of mind. Earlier I was reluctant to consult a therapist but now after attending these sessions I can say, I made a good decision. Dr and all members are very friendly. I am very much happy that I came here. Thanks to you doctor and members.
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It was wonderful to treated by Dr Rachna.she is a master of her science and cares and treats with utmost care and proficiency... She went into the smallest of details during the treatment. I am healed 360 degrees..... I feel that I'm completely a new being...she made me grow in life as an individual...also held my hand at every step as a guide....she was always there for me whenever I needed her...loads of gratitude to her for making me who I am today..
Verified Patient
Verified Patient@Verified_Patient
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We had a consultation for our daughter today and I am an old man. I was delighted to see this. The clinic building had lift breakdown and some road work was going and another elderly physically challenged lady was unable to take the stairs. Dr Rachna came down personally to meet this lady sat with her for few mins to console her As a man of the same age, felt so good I'm sure the old lady would also have felt the same. We senior citizens need more of such serving professionals May God bless you

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